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Conecta Fiction & Entertainment


INSIDE CONTENT, designs and produces since 2017, the international event Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT.

Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT is an international and professional event dedicated to the production of television content from Europe and America. The event is held each year in June in Spain, a natural crossroads for both continents. The first two editions were held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (2017 and 2018); the third, fourth and fifth editions took place in Pamplona-Iruña, Navarra (2019-2021), the sixth, seventh and eighth in Toledo, CLM (2022-2024). For its nighth edition, Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT has moved to Cuenca, Castilla-La Mancha (16-19 June 2025) The event gathers every year 1,000 participants from more than 35 countries. 

At Conecta, professionals and creatives meet for four days to discover projects, negotiate and close production deals for series, mini-series and entertainment programs, highlighting talent from both continents. The most relevant talent and executives from Europe and America meet at Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT in a unique and relaxed setting to commission, produce and develop television projects with the best partners in the industry.

ONSeries Lisboa


In 2021 INSIDE CONTENT, organized for the first time the international showcase of the Portuguese industry, ONSeries Lisboa.

ONSeries Lisboa is a showcase that seeks to promote Portuguese television industry content and talent before national and international executives. The first edition of ONSeries took place on November 25 and 26, 2021, two days in which national and international professionals and creatives discovered the potential of Portuguese television content while exchanging ideas and creating production partnerships.